add(double, double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Add/Move this axis by a given vector.
add(IPoint3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Add/Move this axis by a given 3d point.
add(IPoint3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Add a Point3D to this Point3D.
addCamera3D(ICamera3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Add the given Camera3D to this scene.
addChild(IScene3DObject) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Add child to this object.
addKey() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IShape2D
addKey(double, double, double, long) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITrack3D
Create a a new static key and add it to this Track3D.
addKey(double, double, double, long, int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITrack3D
Create a a new static key and add it to this Track3D.
addKey(IPoint3D, long) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITrack3D
Create a a new linked key and add it to this Track3D.
addKey(IPoint3D, long, int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITrack3D
Create a a new linked key and add it to this Track3D.
addKeyPosition(int, IPoint3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator
Add position key.
addKeyRotation(int, IPoint3D, IPoint3D, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator
Add rotation key.
addLight3D(ILight3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Add the given Light3D to this scene.
addMaterial(IMaterial) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene
Add the given Material to this scene.
addMesh3D(IMesh3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Add the given Mesh3D to this scene.
addScene2DObject(IScene2DObject) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene2D
addScene2DObjects(IScene2DObject[]) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene2D
addScene3DObject(IScene3DObject) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Add the given Scene3DObject to this scene.
addScene3DObjects(IScene3DObject[]) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Add multiple Scene3DObject to this scene.
addSceneObject(ISceneObject) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene
Add the given SceneObject to this scene.
addSceneObjects(ISceneObject[]) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene
Add multiple SceneObject to this scene.
addShape2D(IShape2D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene2D
addTexture(ITexture) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene
Add the given Texture to this scene.
appletResize(int, int) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame
Applet Stub Interface


BG_COLOR - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Render3D background mode : Background use a solid color.
BG_TEXTURE - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Render3D background mode : Background use a texture.
BG_TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Render3D background mode : Background is invisible.
beginShape2D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D
build() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Build this Mesh3D.
build() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DOctree
Build this object and update its internal built version.
build() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISceneObject
Build this object and update its internal built version.
buildFaceId() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Build id for all Face3D of this Mesh3D.
buildFacesNormals() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Build Vertex3D and Face3D normals for this Mesh3D.
buildMesh3DOctree() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Build an internal Mesh3DOctree.
buildMipMap() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITexture
Compute MipMap for this Texture.
buildSphereBoxAndCenter() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Build this Mesh3D spherebox.
buildVertexId() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Build id for all Vertex3D of this Mesh3D.


clearProperties() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISceneObject
Remove all properties for this SceneObject.
clearScene(IScene) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRemoveSceneObjectConsumer
clearScene2D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene2D
clearScene3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Clear this scene3D.
copy(IAxis3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Copy value from an other axis3D.
copy(IMonitoredSceneObject) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMonitoredSceneObject
Copy source MonitoredSceneObject in this MonitoredSceneObject.
copy(IPoint3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Copy values of a Point3D into this Point3D.
copy(IScene3DObjectAnimator) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator
Copy keys and tracks infos from a source Scene3DObjectAnimator.
copy(ISceneObject) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISceneObject
Copy source SceneObject in this SceneObject.
cos(double) - Static method in class net.dzzd.utils.MathX
Compute and return cosinus of its parameter using taylor serie
cross(IPoint3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Compute the cross product with another Point3D


DzzD - class net.dzzd.DzzD.
Main 3DzzD API classes.
DzzDApplet - class net.dzzd.DzzDApplet.
DzzDApplet() - Constructor for class net.dzzd.DzzDApplet
DzzDFrame - class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame.
Provide an easy way to create a 3D Frame.
DzzDFrame() - Constructor for class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame
Construct a new empty DzzDFrame width a default size.
DzzDJSApplet - class net.dzzd.DzzDJSApplet.
Provide an easy way to implements 3D Applet using only JavaScript.
DzzDJSApplet() - Constructor for class net.dzzd.DzzDJSApplet
destroy() - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDJSApplet
disableRender2DMode(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2DMode
Disable rendering features.
disableRender3DMode(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender3DMode
Disable rendering features.
dist(IPoint3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Return the distance with the point p
div(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Divide all components (x,y,z) by n
doRender() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D
dot(IPoint3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Compute the dot product with another Point3D
drawShape2D(IShape2D, double, double, double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D
drawString(String, double, double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D


enableRender2DMode(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2DMode
Enable rendering features.
enableRender3DMode(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender3DMode
Enable rendering features.
endShape2D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D
extensionBaseURL - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Jogl native source URL


fillSolid() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D
firstKey() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IShape2D
flipNormal() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Flip normal (reverse face vertices order).
flipNormals() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Flip all Face3D normal by reversing vertices order.


generate() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DGenerator
Generate complete Face3D and Vertex3D arrays using the current quality.
generateForSolidSphere3DCollision(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DCollisionGenerator
Generate a (LOD) Face3DList potentialy hitted for a SolidSphere3D collision test.
generateForView(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DViewGenerator
Generate a (LOD) Face3DList for a given view point using the current view generator quality.
getAX() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Gets a snapshot of the x axis (ax) in the current space.
getAY() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Gets a snapshot of the y axis (ay) in the current space.
getAZ() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Gets a snapshot of the z axis (az) in the current space.
getAlphaEnabled() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Gets alpha flag.
getAlphaLevel() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Gets alpha level value. 0=opaque Higher value make the object more transparent. 255=invisible Higher value increment the glosiness.
getAmbientColor() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Gets ambient color as an 24bit int using the following bitmask RRGGBB.
getApplet(String) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame
Applet Context Interface
getAppletContext() - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame
getAppletInfo() - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDApplet
Gets Applet information.
getApplets() - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame
getAt(double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IHeightMap
Gets z values for the given 2d pos x,y.
getAudioClip(URL) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame
getAutoPlayAnimator() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRender
Gets autoPlayAnimator flag.
getAxis3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Gets object axis3D.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Gets background color.
getBaseURL() - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDApplet
Gets applet base URL.
getBaseURL() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IURLTexture
Gets base URL for the source file.
getBuild() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DOctree
Gets this object built version.
getBuild() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISceneObject
Gets this object built version.
getBumpNormalTexture() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Gets Texture to use for bump
getCamera3DById(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Gets the Camera3D having the given id from this scene.
getCamera3DByName(String) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Gets the Camera3D having the given name from this scene.
getCanvas() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D
getCanvas() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2D
Gets this Render2D canvas.
getCastShadow() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Gets castShadowFlag flag
if set to true and renderer is able to render shadow this object will be used as a Shadow caster
getCenter() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Gets the center (in object space) for this object.
getChildren(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DOctree
Gets a children of this Mesh3DOctree
getClone() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Gets a new instance of this Point3D.
getClone(boolean) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Gets a clone copy for this object.
getClone() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator
Gets a clone of this Scene3DObjectAnimator.
getCodeBase() - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame
getCollisionFace3DList() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DCollisionGenerator
Gets Face3DList generated by the last call to any generateXXX() method.
getColor() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D
getCurrentCamera3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Gets the Camera3D used for camera space.
getCurrentKeyType() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IShape2D
getCurrentKeyValues() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IShape2D
getDestination() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3D
getDiffuseColor() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Gets diffuse color as an 24bit int using the following bitmask RRGGBB.
getDiffuseTexture() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Gets Texture to use for diffuse color texture.
getDiffuseTextureDetail() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Gets Texture to use for diffuse light detail texture.
getDiffuseTextureDetailFactor() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Gets detail texture factor.
getDirectInput() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2D
Gets this Render2D directInput.
getDistance() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3DResult
Gets the distance to impact.
getDocumentBase() - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame
getDzzDApplet(String) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame
Get a DzzDApplet from this frame
getEmissiveColor() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Gets emissive color as an 24bit int using the following bitmask RRGGBB.
getEnvTexture() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Gets Texture to use for environment
getFOV() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ICamera3D
Gets the camera field of view in degree.
getFPS100() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRender
Gets the current average FPS.
getFace3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3DList
Gets Face3D for this Face3DList cell.
getFace3D(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Gets a Face3D of this Mesh3D.
getFace3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DGenerator
Gets complete Face3D array.
getFace3DId() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3DResult
Gets id of the Face3D hitted in the Mesh3D.
getFaces3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Gets Face3D array used by this mesh.
getFaces3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DOctree
Gets Face3D array used by this Mesh3DOctree.
getFirstChild() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Gets the first child of this object.
getFocus() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ICamera3D
Gets the camera focal length in scene unit.
getFogColor() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Gets fog color.
getFont2D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D
getFrameTime() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRender
getHeight() - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDApplet
Gets this applet height.
getHeight() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ICamera3D
Gets the camera screen height expressed in scene unit.
getHeight() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2D
Gets this Render2D height
getId() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Gets the id.
getId() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DOctree
getId() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISceneObject
Gets Id.
getImage(URL) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame
getImplementationName() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2D
Gets this Render2D implementation name.
getLight3DById(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Gets the Light3D having the given id from this scene.
getLight3DByName(String) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Gets the Light3D having the given name from this scene.
getMappingU(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Gets U mapping value for selected vertex.
getMappingUV() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Gets MappingUV to use for diffuse texture color and diffuse light detail texture.
getMappingV(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Gets V mapping value for selected vertex.
getMaterial() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Gets this face material.
getMaterialById(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene
Gets the Material having the given id from this scene.
getMaterialByName(String) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene
Gets the Material having the given name from this scene.
getMaterials() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISceneLoader
Gets an array of all Material loaded by this SceneLoader
getMesh3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
getMesh3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DOctree
getMesh3DById(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Gets the Mesh3D having the given id from this scene.
getMesh3DByName(String) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Gets the Mesh3D having the given name from this scene.
getMesh3DCollisionGenerator() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Gets IMesh3DCollisionGenerator for this Mesh3D.
getMesh3DGeneratorQuality() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DGenerator
Gets the quality used for Mesh3D generation.
getMesh3DId() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3DResult
Gets id of the Mesh3D hitted in the scene.
getMesh3DOctree() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Gets Mesh3DOctree of this Mesh3D
getMesh3DOctreeArray(IMesh3DOctree[]) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DOctree
Create an array with all Mesh3DOctree including childrens
getMesh3DViewGenerator() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Gets IMesh3DViewGenerator for this Mesh3D.
getMesh3DViewGeneratorQuality() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DViewGenerator
Gets this Mesh3DViewGenerator current quality.
getMonitoredSceneObject(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene
Gets a MonitoredSceneObject from the monitored object stack of this scene.
getMouseDragX() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDirectInput
Gets the mouse x position relative to this DirectInput component.
getMouseDragY() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDirectInput
Gets the mouse y position relative to this DirectInput component.
getMouseX() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDirectInput
Gets the mouse x position relative to this DirectInput component.
getMouseY() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDirectInput
Gets the mouse y position relative to this DirectInput component.
getName() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISceneObject
Gets name.
getNbCamera3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Gets the number of ICamera3D for this scene.
getNbChildren(boolean) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DOctree
Gets number of childrens for this Mesh3DOctree
getNbCollisionFaces() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DCollisionGenerator
Gets number of Face3D generated by the last call to any generateXXX() method.
getNbFace3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Gets number of Face3D used by this Mesh3D.
getNbFace3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DGenerator
Gets total number of Face3D for last generation.
getNbFace3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DOctree
Gets number of Face3D used by this Mesh3DOctree .
getNbKey() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITrack3D
Get number of keys .
getNbLight3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Gets the number of ILight3D for this scene.
getNbMaterial() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene
Gets the number of IMaterial for this scene.
getNbMesh3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Gets the number of IMesh3D for this scene.
getNbMonitoredSceneObject() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene
Gets total number of SceneObject currently monitored.
getNbScene2DObject() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene2D
getNbScene3DObject() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Gets the number of Scene3DObject for this scene.
getNbSceneObject() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene
Gets the number of ISceneObject for this scene.
getNbShape2D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene2D
getNbTexture() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene
Gets the number of ITexture for this scene.
getNbVertex3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Gets number of Vertex3D used by this Mesh3D.
getNbVertex3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DGenerator
Gets total number of Vertex3D for last generation.
getNbViewFaces() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DViewGenerator
Gets number of Face3D generated by the last call to generateForView.
getNextChild() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Gets the next child for this parent object.
getNextFace3DList() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3DList
Gets next Face3DList cell.
getOrigin() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Gets origine for axis3D in the current space.
getPA() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Gets the "a" parameter of the equation (a*x+b*y+c*z+d=0) for the plane that face lie on.
getPB() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Gets the "b" parameter of the equation (a*x+b*y+c*z+d=0) for the plane that face lie on.
getPC() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Gets the "c" parameter of the equation (a*x+b*y+c*z+d=0) for the plane that face lie on.
getPD() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Gets the "d" parameter of the equation (a*x+b*y+c*z+d=0) for the plane that face lie on.
getParameter(String) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame
getParent() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Gets parent object.
getPauseTime() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator
Gets pause time for this Scene3DObjectAnimator.
getPauseTime() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITrack3D
Gets the pause time for this Track3D.
getPivot() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Gets the current pivot point (in object space) for this object.
getPixels() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITexture
Gets this Texture pixel buffer
getPixelsHeight() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITexture
Gets this Texture pixel buffer height
getPixelsWidth() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITexture
Gets this Texture pixel buffer width
getPosition() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Gets the current position => this object pivot 3d coordinates relative to this object parent space.
getPosition() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator
Gets this Scene3DObjectAnimator current position (relative tolast play).
getPosition() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3DResult
Gets the impact position.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISceneObject
Sets a property for this SceneObject.
getRadius() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3D
getRecvShadow() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Gets recvShadowFlag flag
if this flag is set to true and renderer is able to render shadow this object will be used as a Shadow recevier
getRender2DMode() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2D
Gets the RenderMode interface for this Render2D.
getRender2DMode() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2DMode
Gets the RenderMode interface for this Mesh3D.
getRender2DModeFlags() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2DMode
Gets rendering mode.
getRender3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRender
Gets the current render3D for this Scene3DRender.
getRender3DMode() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender3D
Gets the RenderMode interface for this Render3D.
getRender3DMode() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender3DMode
Gets the RenderMode interface for this Mesh3D.
getRender3DModeFlags() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender3DMode
Gets rendering mode.
getRenderedFace3DIdAt(int, int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender3D
Gets face ID rendered at the specified screen location
getRenderedMesh3DIdAt(int, int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender3D
Gets object ID rendered at the specified screen location
getResponse() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3DResult
Gets a the response displacement vector .
getResult() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3D
getRotation() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Gets the current rotation around pivot in the following order (rx,rz,ry).
getRotation() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator
Gets this Scene3DObjectAnimator current rotation (relative tolast play).
getRotationXZY(IPoint3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Update the given 3d point with the rotation of this axis.
getScene() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISceneObject
Gets Scene owner, null if object has not been added to a Scene.
getScene3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Gets Scene3D owner, null if object has not been added to a Scene3D.
getScene3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRender
Gets the current scene3D for this Scene3DRender.
getScene3DObjectAnimator() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Gets Scene3DObjectAnimator.
getScene3DObjects() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DLoader
Gets an array of all Scene3dObject loaded by this Scene3DLoader
getSceneObjects() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISceneLoader
Gets an array of all SceneObject loaded by this Scene3DLoader
getSelfIlluminationLevel() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Gets self illumination level in unit .
getShape2DById(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene2D
getShape2DByName(String) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene2D
getSkyBoxMesh3DId() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Gets the Mesh3D id object used as sky box.
getSkyBoxMesh3DName() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Gets the Mesh3D name object used as sky box.
getSlideDistanceOver() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3DResult
Gets how much the hitted plane is traversed.
getSlidePlane() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3DResult
Gets the hitted face plane normal.
getSlidePlaneOffset() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3DResult
Gets the plane "d" parameter in the equation a*x+b*y+c*z+d=0 for the hitted face.
getSource() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3D
getSourceFile() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IURLTexture
Gets source file.
getSpecularColor() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Gets specular color as an 24bit int using the following bitmask RRGGBB.
getSpecularLevel() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Gets specular level in unit : 255 <=> 100% .
getSpecularPower() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Gets specular power.
getSphereBox() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Gets the radius of the surrounding sphere for this face relative to third vertex.
getSphereBox() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Gets object spherebox radius.
getStartTime() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator
Gets start time for this Scene3DObjectAnimator.
getStartTime() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITrack3D
Gets the starting time of this Track3D.
getStream(String) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame
getStreamKeys() - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame
getTarget() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ICamera3D
Gets the camera target.
getTextureById(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene
Gets the Texture having the given id from this scene.
getTextureByName(String) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene
Gets the Texture having the given name from this scene.
getTextures() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISceneLoader
Gets an array of all Texture loaded by this SceneLoader
getTime() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRender
Gets time for current frame
this method will intend to resolve time for the current frame
using advanced time algorithm even with an non-accurate timer
as System.currentTimeMillis();
getTimer() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator
Gets current Timer for this this Scene3DObjectAnimator.
getType() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITexture
Gets this Texture type
getUOffset() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMappingUV
Gets U mapping offset.
getUZoom() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMappingUV
Gets U mapping zoom.
getVOffset() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMappingUV
Gets V mapping offset.
getVZoom() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMappingUV
Gets V mapping zoom.
getVertex3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Gets Vertex3D array used by this mesh.
getVertex3D() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DGenerator
Gets complete Vertex3D array.
getVertex3D0() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Gets interface the first vertex of this face.
getVertex3D0Nx() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Gets Vertex3D normal component.
getVertex3D0Ny() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Gets Vertex3D normal component.
getVertex3D0Nz() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Gets Vertex3D normal component.
getVertex3D1() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Gets interface the second vertex of this face.
getVertex3D1Nx() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Gets Vertex3D normal component.
getVertex3D1Ny() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Gets Vertex3D normal component.
getVertex3D1Nz() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Gets Vertex3D normal component.
getVertex3D2() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Gets interface the third vertex of this face.
getVertex3D2Nx() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Gets Vertex3D normal component.
getVertex3D2Ny() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Gets Vertex3D normal component.
getVertex3D2Nz() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Gets Vertex3D normal component.
getViewFace3DList() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DViewGenerator
Gets Face3DList generated by the last call to generateForView.
getWidth() - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDApplet
Gets this applet width.
getWidth() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ICamera3D
Gets the camera screen width expressed in scene unit.
getWidth() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2D
Gets this Render2D width
getX() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Gets the x component.
getY() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Gets the y component.
getZ() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Gets the z component.
getZAt(int, int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender3D
Gets z value at the specified screen location
getZMax() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ICamera3D
Gets the camera maximum z clipping value expressed in scene unit.
getZMin() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ICamera3D
Gets the camera minimum z clipping value expressed in scene unit.
getZoom() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Gets the current zoom of this Scene3DObject.
getZoomX() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ICamera3D
Gets the camera horizontal zoom expressed in scene unit.
getZoomY() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ICamera3D
Gets the camera vertical zoom expressed in scene unit.


IAxis3D - interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D.
Axis3D.Interface Usualy Axis3D are used to define 3D scene objects local axis.
ICamera3D - interface net.dzzd.access.ICamera3D.
Used for accessing to a Camera3D.
IDirectInput - interface net.dzzd.access.IDirectInput.
Used for accessing keyboard and mouse at anytime.
IDrawer2D - interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D.
IFace3D - interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D.
Used for accessing to a Face3D.
IFace3DList - interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3DList.
Used for accessing to a Face3DList.
IFont2D - interface net.dzzd.access.IFont2D.
IHeightMap - interface net.dzzd.access.IHeightMap.
Used for accessing to a HeightMap.
IHeightMap3D - interface net.dzzd.access.IHeightMap3D.
Used for accessing to a HeightMap3D.
ILight3D - interface net.dzzd.access.ILight3D.
Used for accessing to a Light3D.
IMappingUV - interface net.dzzd.access.IMappingUV.
Used for accessing to a MappingUV.
IMaterial - interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial.
Used for accessing to a Material.
IMesh3D - interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D.
Used for accessing to a Mesh3D.
IMesh3DCollisionGenerator - interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DCollisionGenerator.
Used for accessing to a Mesh3DCollisionGenerator.
IMesh3DGenerator - interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DGenerator.
Used for accessing to a Mesh3DGenerator.
IMesh3DOctree - interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DOctree.
Used for accessing to a Mesh3DOctree.
IMesh3DViewGenerator - interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DViewGenerator.
Used for accessing to a Mesh3DViewGenerator.
IMonitoredSceneObject - interface net.dzzd.access.IMonitoredSceneObject.
Used for accessing to a MonitoredSceneObject.
IPixelsDrawer2D - interface net.dzzd.access.IPixelsDrawer2D.
IPoint3D - interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D.
Used for accessing to a Point3D.
IRemoveSceneObjectConsumer - interface net.dzzd.access.IRemoveSceneObjectConsumer.
IRender - interface net.dzzd.access.IRender.
IRender2D - interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2D.
Used for accessing to a Render2D.
IRender2DMode - interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2DMode.
Used for accessing rendering mode.
IRender3D - interface net.dzzd.access.IRender3D.
Used for accessing to a Render3D.
IRender3DMode - interface net.dzzd.access.IRender3DMode.
Used for accessing rendering mode.
IScene - interface net.dzzd.access.IScene.
IScene2D - interface net.dzzd.access.IScene2D.
IScene2DLoader - interface net.dzzd.access.IScene2DLoader.
Used for accessing to a Scene2DLoader.
IScene2DObject - interface net.dzzd.access.IScene2DObject.
Used for accessing a scene Scene2DObject.
IScene3D - interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D.
Used for accessing to a Scene3D.
IScene3DLoader - interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DLoader.
Used for accessing to a Scene3DLoader.
IScene3DObject - interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject.
Used for accessing a Scene3DObject.
IScene3DObjectAnimator - interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator.
Used for accessing a Scene3DObjectAnimator.
IScene3DRender - interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRender.
Used for accessing to a Scene3DRender.
IScene3DRenderCallBack - interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRenderCallBack.
Used for accessing to a Scene3DRenderCallBack.
ISceneLoader - interface net.dzzd.access.ISceneLoader.
Used for accessing to a SceneLoader.
ISceneObject - interface net.dzzd.access.ISceneObject.
Used for accessing a scene SceneObject.
IShape2D - interface net.dzzd.access.IShape2D.
ISolidSphere3D - interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3D.
Used for accessing to a SolidSphere3D.
ISolidSphere3DResult - interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3DResult.
Used for accessing to a SolidSphere3DResult.
ITexture - interface net.dzzd.access.ITexture.
Used for accessing to a Texture.
ITrack3D - interface net.dzzd.access.ITrack3D.
Used for accessing to a Track3D.
IURLHeightMap - interface net.dzzd.access.IURLHeightMap.
Used for accessing to a URLHeightMap.
IURLTexture - interface net.dzzd.access.IURLTexture.
Used for accessing to a URLTexture.
IVertex3D - interface net.dzzd.access.IVertex3D.
Used for accessing to a Vertex3D.
init() - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDJSApplet
init() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Initialise this axis3D.
isActive() - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame
isActive() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Gets the active flag.
isBackgroundEnabled() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Gets the backgroundEnabled flag .
isEnd() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IShape2D
isFogEnabled() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Gets the fogEnabled flag .
isImpact() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3DResult
Gets the impact result.
isKey(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDirectInput
Gets a key state
isKey(int, long) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDirectInput
Gets a key state within a specified ms range
isMouseB1() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDirectInput
Gets the mouse first button state.
isMouseB1Click(long) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDirectInput
Gets the mouse first button click state within the given time range.
isMouseB2() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDirectInput
Gets the mouse second button state.
isMouseB2Click(long) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDirectInput
Gets the mouse second button click state within the given time range.
isMouseB3() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDirectInput
Gets the mouse third button state.
isMouseB3Click(long) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDirectInput
Gets the mouse third button click state within the given time range.
isMouseDrag() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDirectInput
Gets the mouse dragging state.
isPixelUpdateEnabled() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2D
Gets the pixelUpdateEnabled flag .
isScreenUpdateEnabled() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2D
Gets the screenUpdateEnabled flag .
isSolid() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Gets the solid flag.
isUsingAlpha() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Gets a flag that indicate if this Material use alpha channel.
isVisible() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Gets the visible flag.


length() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Compute and return the length of the vector represented by this point
length2() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Compute and return the length² of the vector represented by this point
line(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D
lineTo(double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D
load(String, String, int, int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IURLHeightMap
Load this URLHeightMap internal 2d data array from a file.
load(String, String) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IURLTexture
Sets base URL and image file name and asynchronously begin loading.
load() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IURLTexture
Start loading image asynchronously using using current base URL and source file .
loadScene3D(String, String) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DLoader
Asynchroneously load a scene3D from a file using an URL.
loadScene3D(String, String, String) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DLoader
Asynchroneously load a scene3D from a file using an URL.
loopAt(long) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator
Sets loop time for this Scene3DObjectAnimator.
loopAtScene3DObjectAnimator(long) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Call this Scene3DObjectAnimator loopAt method (also call on chidrens).


MathX - class net.dzzd.utils.MathX.
MathX class.
MathX() - Constructor for class net.dzzd.utils.MathX
move() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3D
moveBounce(int, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3D
moveSlide(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3D
moveTo(double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D
mul(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Multiply all components (x,y,z) by n


net.dzzd - package net.dzzd
net.dzzd.access - package net.dzzd.access
net.dzzd.utils - package net.dzzd.utils
newAxis3D() - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new Axis3D.
newCamera3D() - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new Camera3D.
newDirectInput(Component) - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new DirectInput for the given component.
newFace3D() - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new Face3D.
newFace3D(IVertex3D, IVertex3D, IVertex3D) - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new Face3D.
newFont2DFromURL(String, String) - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate,load and return a new Font2D
newHeightMap3D(int, int) - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new HeightMap3D.
newLight3D() - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new Light3D.
newMappingUV() - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new MappingUV.
newMaterial() - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new Material.
newMesh3D() - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new Mesh3D.
newMesh3D(IVertex3D[], IFace3D[]) - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new Mesh3D.
newPoint3D() - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new Point3D.
newRender2D(Class, String, IProgressListener) - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
newRender3D(Class, String, IProgressListener) - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new Render3D using the specified implementation.
newScene2D() - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate and return a new Scene2D
newScene3D() - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new Scene3D.
newScene3DLoader() - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new Scene3DLoader
newScene3DObjectAnimator() - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new Scene3DObjectAnimator.
newScene3DRender() - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new Scene3DRender.
newShape2D() - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate and return a new Shape2D
newSolidSphere3D() - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new SolidSphere3D.
newSolidSphere3DResult() - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new SolidSphere3DResult.
newTimer() - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate and return a new Timer
newTrack3D() - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new Track3D.
newURLHeightMap() - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new URLHeightMap.
newURLTexture() - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new URLTexture.
newVertex3D() - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Allocate an return a new Vertex3D.
nextKey() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IShape2D
norm() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Compute and return the length of the vector represented by this point
normalize() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Normalize this Point3D.


P4D_COSIN - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Track3D interpolation key mode : cosin interpolation.
P4D_CUBIC - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Track3D interpolation key mode : cubic interpolation.
P4D_LINEAR - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Track3D interpolation key mode : linear interpolation.
P4D_NONE - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Track3D interpolation key mode : no interpolation.
PI - Static variable in class net.dzzd.utils.MathX
PR_STATE_INIT - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Progress state : initialising/initialised.
PR_STATE_LOAD - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Progress state : loading/loaded.
PR_STATE_UNKNOW - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Progress state : unknow or not initialised.
pause() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator
Pause this Scene3DObjectAnimator.
pause() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRender
Pause this Scene3DRender thread.
pause() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITrack3D
Pause this Track3D to its current Timer time.
pauseScene3DObjectAnimator() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Call this Scene3DObjectAnimator pause method (also call on chidrens).
play() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator
Play position and rotation track using its Timer.
play() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITrack3D
Play this Track3D using current time for its Timer.
playAt(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator
Play position and rotation track using the given time.
playAt(long) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITrack3D
Play this Track3D using the given time .
playPositionAt(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator
Play position track using the given time.
playRotationAt(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator
Play rotation track using the given time.
playScene3DObjectAnimator(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Sets all Scene3DObject using there Scene3DObjectAnimator for the given time.
playScene3DObjectAnimator() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Call this Scene3DObjectAnimator play method (also call on chidrens).


quad(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D
quadTo(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D


RM_ALL - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Render mode : enable/disable all.
RM_DETAIL_TEXTURE - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Render mode : enable/disable detail textures.
RM_FOG - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Render mode : enable/disable fog
RM_LIGHT - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Render mode : enable/disable lighting.
RM_LIGHT_FLAT - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Render mode : enable/disable lighting.
RM_MATERIAL - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Render mode : enable/disable materials.
RM_TEXTURE_BILINEAR - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Render mode : enable/disable bilinear filtering.
RM_TEXTURE_BUMP - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Render mode : enable/disable bump texture.
RM_TEXTURE_DIFF - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Render mode : enable/disable diffuse texture.
RM_TEXTURE_ENV - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Render mode : enable/disable env texture.
RM_TEXTURE_MIPMAP - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Render mode : enable/disable textures mipmap.
registerRender3DWorldSpace(String) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDJSApplet
Register the javascript function to call for world space event.
removeApplet(String) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame
Remove an Applet from this frame
removeCamera3DById(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Remove the Camera3D having the given id from this scene.
removeChild(IScene3DObject) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Remove child from this object.
removeDuplicateVertices() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Remove duplicated vertice.
removeKey(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITrack3D
Remove a key from this Track3D.
removeLight3DById(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Remove the Light3D having the given id from this scene.
removeMaterialById(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene
Remove the Material having the given id from this scene.
removeMesh3DById(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Remove the Mesh3D having the given id from this scene.
removeScene2DObject(IScene2DObject) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene2D
removeScene3DObject(IScene3DObject) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Remove the given Scene3DObject from this scene.
removeSceneObject(ISceneObject) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRemoveSceneObjectConsumer
Notify this RemoveSceneObjectConsumer that a SceneObject is removed from its Scene
removeSceneObject(ISceneObject) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene
Remove the given Scene3DObject from this scene.
removeShape2DById(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene2D
removeTextureById(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene
Remove the Texture having the given id from this scene.
render() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRender
Render a single frame while rendering the current IScene3DRenderCallBack events are called
render3DCameraSpace(IScene3DRender) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDJSApplet
render3DCameraSpace(IScene3DRender) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRenderCallBack
Called for each rendered frame when all scene 3D Object are in camera space.
render3DEnd(IScene3DRender) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDJSApplet
render3DEnd(IScene3DRender) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRenderCallBack
Called for each rendered frame when final image has been drawn to screen.
render3DPixelsUpdate(IScene3DRender) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDJSApplet
render3DPixelsUpdate(IScene3DRender) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRenderCallBack
Called for each rendered frame just before drawing to internal pixels array.
render3DPixelsUpdated(IScene3DRender) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDJSApplet
render3DPixelsUpdated(IScene3DRender) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRenderCallBack
Called for each rendered frame just after internal pixels array has been updated with new frame.
render3DStart(IScene3DRender) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDJSApplet
render3DStart(IScene3DRender) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRenderCallBack
Called for each rendered frame when a new rendering process start.
render3DSwitched(IScene3DRender) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDJSApplet
render3DSwitched(IScene3DRender) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRenderCallBack
Called once when a request to switch Render3D implementation has been performed.
render3DWorldSpace(IScene3DRender) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDJSApplet
render3DWorldSpace(IScene3DRender) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRenderCallBack
Called for each rendered frame when all scene 3D Object are in world space.
render3DstartCallBack(IScene3DRender) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDJSApplet
render3DstartCallBack(IScene3DRender) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRenderCallBack
Called once before all others events to inform this object that it must now handle callback.
renderScene2D(IScene2D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D
renderScene2D(IScene2D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2D
Render the given Scene2D.
renderScene3D(IScene3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender3D
Render the given scene3D.
resetImpact() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3DResult
Reset object.
resume() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator
Resume this Scene3DObjectAnimator at the last pause time (start time may be updated).
resume() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITrack3D
Resume this Track3D id previously paused (startTime is updated)
resumeScene3DObjectAnimator() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Call this Scene3DObjectAnimator resume method (also call on chidrens).
rotate(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Rotate this axis3D around and arbitrary axis.
rotate(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Rotate this axis3D around and arbitrary axis using a specific pivot point.
rotate(double, IPoint3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Rotate this axis3D around and arbitrary axis.
rotate(double, double, double, double, IPoint3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Rotate this axis3D around and arbitrary axis using a specific pivot point.
rotate(double, IPoint3D, IPoint3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Rotate this axis3D around and arbitrary axis using a specific pivot point.
rotateX(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Rotate this axis3D around the X axis.
rotateX(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Rotate the point around the x axis
rotateY(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Rotate this axis3D around the Y axis.
rotateY(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Rotate the point around the y axis
rotateZ(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Rotate this axis3D around the Z axis.
rotateZ(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Rotate the point around the z axis


set(IPoint3D, IPoint3D, IPoint3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Update this Axis3D using given pivot,position & rotation.
set(IPoint3D, IPoint3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Update this Axis3D using given position & rotation.
set(double, double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Sets the x,y,z components.
setActive(boolean) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Sets the active flag.
setAlphaEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Sets alpha flag.
setAlphaLevel(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Sets alpha level value. 0=opaque Higher value make the object more transparent. 255=invisible Higher value increment the glosiness.
setAmbientColor(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Sets ambient color as an 24bit int using the following bitmask RRGGBB.
setAntialiasLevel(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2D
Sets antialias level.
setApplet(Applet, String) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame
Add an Applet to this frame
setAutoPlayAnimator(boolean) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRender
Sets autoPlayAnimator flag.
setAxis3DToWorld() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Sets this Scene3DObject Axis3D to world space.
setBackgroundColor(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Sets background color.
setBackgroundEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Sets the backgroundEnabled flag .
setBaseURL(String) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IURLTexture
Sets base URL for the source file.
setBounds(String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame
Set an applet bounds
setBuild(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISceneObject
Sets this object built version.
setBumpNormalTexture(ITexture) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Sets Texture to use for bump
setCamera3D(ICamera3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender3D
Sets this render3D current camera3D view point.
setCastShadow(boolean) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Sets castShadowFlag flag
if set to true and renderer is able to render shadow this object will be used as a Shadow caster
setClip(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D
setColor(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D
setCubicKey(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IShape2D
setCurrentCamera3DById(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Sets the Camera3D to use for camera space using its id.
setCurrentCamera3DByName(String) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Sets the Camera3D to use for camera space using its name.
setCursor(Cursor) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2D
Sets this Render2D cursor
setDefaultInterpolation(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITrack3D
Sets the default interpolation mode for this Track3D
setDestination(IPoint3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3D
setDestination(double, double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3D
setDiffuseColor(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Sets diffuse color as an 24bit int using the following bitmask RRGGBB.
setDiffuseTexture(ITexture) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Sets Texture to use for diffuse color texture.
setDiffuseTextureDetail(ITexture) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Sets Texture to use for diffuse light detail texture.
setDiffuseTextureDetailFactor(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Sets detail texture factor.
setEmissiveColor(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Sets emissive color as an 24bit int using the following bitmask RRGGBB.
setEndKey() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IShape2D
setEnvTexture(ITexture) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Sets Texture to use for environment
setFOV(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ICamera3D
Sets the camera field of view in degree.
setFarClip(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DViewGenerator
Sets far clipping value for view generation.
setFocus(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ICamera3D
Sets the camera focal length expressed in scene unit.
setFogColor(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender3D
Sets fog color.
setFogColor(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Sets fog color.
setFogEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Sets the fogEnabled flag .
setFogEnd(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender3D
Sets fog end distance
setFogStart(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender3D
Sets fog start distance
setFont2D(IFont2D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D
setHeight(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ICamera3D
Set the camera screen height expressed in scene unit.
setHeight(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IURLHeightMap
Sets this URLHeightMap internal 2d data array height.
setHeightMap(IHeightMap) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IHeightMap3D
Sets the HeightMap to use for tesselation.
setHeightMapBounds(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IHeightMap3D
Sets the area of the height map to use.
setId(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISceneObject
Sets Id.
setLineKey(double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IShape2D
setLoop(long) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITrack3D
Sets the loop time for this Track3D.
setMappingU(int, float) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Sets U mapping value for selected vertex.
setMappingUV(IMappingUV) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Sets MappingUV to use for diffuse texture color and diffuse light detail texture.
setMappingV(int, float) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Sets V mapping value for selected vertex.
setMaterial(IMaterial) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IFace3D
Sets this face material.
setMaterial(IMaterial) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Sets this Mesh3D material.
setMaxFPS100(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRender
Sets the maximum average FPS.
setMesh3DBounds(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DGenerator
Sets the size of the generated Mesh3D.
setMesh3DCollisionGenerator(IMesh3DCollisionGenerator) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Sets IMesh3DCollisionGenerator for this Mesh3D.
setMesh3DGeneratorQuality(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DGenerator
Sets the quality to use for Mesh3D generation.
setMesh3DViewGenerator(IMesh3DViewGenerator) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Sets IMesh3DViewGenerator for this Mesh3D.
setMesh3DViewGeneratorQuality(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DViewGenerator
Sets this Mesh3DViewGenerator quality.
setMode(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D
setName(String) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISceneObject
Sets name.
setNearClip(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3DViewGenerator
Sets near clipping value for view generation.
setParent(IScene3DObject) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Sets parent object.
setPixel(double, double, int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D
setPixel(int, int, int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D
setPixelUpdateEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2D
Sets the pixelUpdateEnabled flag .
setPixelsTarget(int[], int, int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPixelsDrawer2D
setPixelsTarget(int[], int, int, int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPixelsDrawer2D
setPoint3DToWorld(IPoint3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Sets a Point3D given in this Scene3DObject space to world space.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISceneObject
Sets a property for this SceneObject.
setQuadKey(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IShape2D
setRadius(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3D
setRecvShadow(boolean) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMesh3D
Sets recvShadowFlag flag
if this flag is set to true and renderer is able to render shadow this object will be used as a Shadow recevier
setRender2DModeFlags(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2DMode
Sets rendering mode.
setRender3DModeFlags(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender3DMode
Sets rendering mode.
setScene2DBufferSize(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene2D
setScene3D(IScene3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRender
Immediatly replace the current Scene3D
setScene3D(IScene3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3D
setScene3DBufferSize(int, int, int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Sets this scene3D internal buffer size.
setScene3DLoader(IScene3DLoader) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Sets a Scene3DLoader for this Scene3D
setScene3DObjectAnimator(IScene3DObjectAnimator) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Sets Scene3DObjectAnimator.
setScene3DObjectToCamera() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Sets all Scene3DObject to camera space.
setScene3DObjectToWorld() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Sets all Scene3DObject to world space.
setScene3DRenderCallBack(IScene3DRenderCallBack) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRender
Sets a new Scene3DRenderCallBack for this Scene3DRender.
setSceneBufferSize(int, int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene
Sets this scene internal buffer size.
setScreenUpdateEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2D
Sets the screenUpdateEnabled flag .
setSelfIlluminationLevel(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Sets self illumination level in unit .
setSize(int, int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IDrawer2D
setSize(int, int, int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2D
Sets this Render2D size and its max antialias level.
setSize(int, int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IRender2D
Sets this Render2D size .
setSkyBoxMesh3DById(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Sets the Mesh3D id object to use as sky box.
setSkyBoxMesh3DByName(String) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3D
Sets the Mesh3D name object to use as sky box.
setSolid(boolean) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Sets the solid flag.
setSource(IPoint3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3D
setSource(double, double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ISolidSphere3D
setSourceFile(String) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IURLTexture
Sets source file.
setSpecularColor(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Sets specualar color as an 24bit int using the following bitmask RRGGBB.
setSpecularLevel(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Sets specular level in unit : 255 <=> 100% .
setSpecularPower(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMaterial
Sets specular power.
setSphereBox(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Sets object spherebox radius.
setStartKey(double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IShape2D
setStream(String, InputStream) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame
setTarget(IPoint3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ICamera3D
Sets the camera target.
setTimer(ITimer) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator
Sets Timer to use for this Scene3DObjectAnimator.
setTimer(ITimer) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITrack3D
Sets timer to use with for this Track3D.
setType(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITexture
Sets this Texture type
setUOffset(float) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMappingUV
Sets U mapping offset.
setUZoom(float) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMappingUV
Sets U mapping zoom.
setVOffset(float) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMappingUV
Set V mapping offset.
setVZoom(float) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IMappingUV
Sets V mapping zoom.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Sets the visible flag.
setWidth(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ICamera3D
Sets the camera screen width expressed in scene unit.
setWidth(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IURLHeightMap
Sets this URLHeightMap internal 2d data array width.
setX(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Sets the x component.
setY(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Sets the y component.
setZ(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Sets the z component.
setZMax(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ICamera3D
Sets the camera maximum z clipping value expressed in scene unit.
setZMin(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ICamera3D
Sets the camera minimum z clipping value expressed in scene unit.
setZoomX(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ICamera3D
Sets the camera horizontal zoom expressed in scene unit.
setZoomY(double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ICamera3D
Sets the camera vertical zoom expressed in scene unit.
showDocument(URL) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame
showDocument(URL, String) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame
showStatus(String) - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDFrame
sin(double) - Static method in class net.dzzd.utils.MathX
Compute and return sinus of its parameter using taylor serie
sleep(long) - Static method in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Pause current thread for given millisecond time
start() - Method in class net.dzzd.DzzDJSApplet
start() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator
Start this Scene3DObjectAnimator .
start(long) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator
Start this Scene3DObjectAnimator starting at the given time.
start(long, long) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator
Start this Scene3DObjectAnimator and specify a time range to use.
start() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRender
Start this Scene3DRender thread.
start() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITrack3D
Start or restart this Track3D.
start(long) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITrack3D
Start or restart this Track3D with an offset.
startMonitorSceneObject(IMonitoredSceneObject) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene
Sets an object to monitor into the monitored object stack of this scene.
startScene3DObjectAnimator() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Call this Scene3DObjectAnimator start method (also call on chidrens).
startScene3DObjectAnimator(long) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Call this Scene3DObjectAnimator start method (also call on chidrens).
startScene3DObjectAnimator(long, long) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Call this Scene3DObjectAnimator start method (also call on chidrens).
stop() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObjectAnimator
Stop this Scene3DObjectAnimator.
stop() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRender
Stop this Scene3DRender thread.
stop() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.ITrack3D
Stop this Track3D.
stopMonitorSceneObject(int) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene
Remove an object from the monitored object stack of this scene.
stopScene3DObjectAnimator() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Call this Scene3DObjectAnimator stop method (also call on chidrens).
sub(double, double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Substract/Move this axis by a given vector.
sub(IPoint3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Substract/Move this axis by a given 3d point.
sub(IPoint3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Substract a Point3D to this Point3D.
switchRender3D(String) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DRender
Switch the current render3D implementation to the given one.


TT_ARGB - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Texture type : type ARGB
TT_ENV - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Texture type : type NORMAL RGB represent environment texture
TT_HNORMAL - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Texture type : type NORMAL RGB represent normal of the surface and A height
TT_NORMAL - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Texture type : type NORMAL RGB represent normal of the surface
TT_RGB - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Texture type : type RGB
TXT_STRETCH - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Texture drawing mode : texture must be stretched.
TXT_TILE - Static variable in class net.dzzd.DzzD
Texture drawing mode : texture must be tiled (repeat by x and y).
toAxis(IAxis3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Put this axis in the given axis space
toLocalAxis(IAxis3D) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IAxis3D
Transform this axis values into the local axis a


updateHeightMap() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IHeightMap3D
Indicate that the HeighMap has been just set or has to be (re)computed.
updateMonitoredSceneObjects() - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene
Check all monitored SceneObject and update them or the scene3D if needed.


zoom(double, double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IPoint3D
Zoom this Point3D.
zoom(double, double, double) - Method in interface net.dzzd.access.IScene3DObject
Zoom that object and all chidrens object by x,y,z factor.